1pxg: Hold when black, release when white - with warning and random successor

In an attempt to make the random successor rule visible, I’ve replaced the tolerance period between states by the graphical warning.

[![Random successor with warning](https://i0.wp.com/www.bauger.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/10-hwb-rww-warningrandomnext.png?resize=340%2C778 "10-hwb-rww-warningrandomnext")](https://i0.wp.com/www.bauger.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/10-hwb-rww-warningrandomnext.png)Random successor with warning
This prototype is somewhat flawed too, for the similar reason than [“Hold when black, release when white”](http://www.bauger.net/2008/10/1pxg-hold-when-black-release-when-white/) was flawed: when the system exits the generic warning state, there is no way of knowing if the next state will be black or white. Try to guess more than three successive states by trying the prototype.

Click here to show/hide the prototype

The transition between states is now obvious, but there’s no way of knowing which state will be next other than guessing. An intended game of reflexes became a game of pure luck with just a cosmetic change. What about that!