1pxg: Hold when Black

This next series of 1-pixel games is built on the same pixel class than the previous series, from a programming point of view. As before, I’ve limited my action to manipulating the different states the pixel goes through without adding functionalities.

This new series sees the replacement of the “press any keyboard key” action by “hold any keyboard key”. As for the previous series, I will iterate on the rules and attempt to describe the evolution of the system. Here is the behavior for the first pixel of this series:

[![Hold when Black](https://i1.wp.com/www.bauger.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/05a-hwb.png?resize=205%2C474 "05a-hwb")](https://i1.wp.com/www.bauger.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/05a-hwb.png)Hold when Black
It’s pretty evident that this system is nothing but a glorified button that requires to be pressed for a certain time before turning white, then resetting back to its initial state. I’ve embedded the prototype below for illustrative purposes.

Click on the pixel to interact with it