ELUDAMOS Journal for Computer Game Culture

Pippa brought to my attention that the second issue of the excellent eludamos journal had been published.

[![Eludamos 2nd issue cover](https://i1.wp.com/www.bauger.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/eludamos-2.jpg?resize=399%2C130 "eludamos-2")](https://i1.wp.com/www.bauger.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/eludamos-2.jpg)Eludamos 2nd issue cover
From Randall James Nichols’s introduction to this issue:


That the field of digital game studies is constantly changing is a good thing. That we are challenged in how we think about digital games from one moment to the next allows us to not only make use of what we have done in a diverse number of fields. Perhaps more importantly, however, the changing nature of digital games and their study requires us to rethink what has come before and to use those tools in new and different ways. This issue of ELUDAMOS represents a continuation of our attempts to tackle these challenge. This issue marks the launch of two new sections in ELUDAMOS. The first, PERSPECTIVES, is designed to take an in-depth look at some of the key issues in the study of digital games. In this issue, it looks at gender and games. The second new section, POSITIONS, offers critical views on key gaming issues, asking those bold questions and turning a light on misconceptions.
While the landscape we’re navigating may change, it doesn’t mean there is no way to offer some useful sign posts.

So, you know, go read it slowly with a notebook and pencil in one hand and a cold glass of your favorite drink in the other. It’s well worth it.

PS: useless fact: “eludamos” is the 1st person, plural, present subjunctive of the Spanish verb “eludir”. It is roughly translated as “we should dodge”.